Infected mushrom @ Burning man

8 10 2009

Nearly fifty thousand people gather every year in early September, a week of economic rationality frameworks kiszakítva live. A nevada , a Black Rock City nevű ideiglenes városban aztán a fogyasztói társadalom minden bűne megkövetésének jelképeként, látványos pirotec hnikai show keretében elégetik a hatalmas fából ácsolt embert, a névadó Burning Man-t ( égő ember ). The Nevada desert, called the temporary Black Rock City in the consumer society, then a symbol for all sin megkövetésének, a spectacular fireworks show under the huge wooden man burn, Burning Man is the authors’ (burning man).

HVG cikk HVG Article
A Burning Man fesztiválról beszámolót olvashat a HVG csütörtökön megjelenő számának 35. The Burning Man festival in the HVG on Thursday published a report about the number of 35th oldalán, és további képeket nézhet meg itt. side, and additional images to look here.
Előzőleg rasztás, tetovált, színes göncökbe öltözött jómódú amerikaiak tömegesen vásárolnak a nevadai Reno városában, amely az utolsó nagyobb település a Black Rock sivatag felé vezető úton. Previously rasztás, tattooed, dressed in colorful göncökbe wealthy Americans to buy a massive city of Reno, Nevada, which is the last major town in the Black Rock desert road. A fogyasztói társadalom kritikáját alapeszméjéül választó Burning Man fesztiválon ugyanis a kávén és a jégen kívül semmiért nem lehet fizetni. The critique of consumer society alapeszméjéül Selection of the Burning Man festival is the ice coffee, and nothing can not be paid. Ezen kívül tilos mindennemű reklám, hirdetés és kereskedelmi tevékenység; emiatt a résztvevők valósággal letarolják a környező települések boltjait. In addition, prohibited any advertising, advertising and commercial activity, therefore, the participants seemed letarolják shops in the surrounding communities. Sőt, a sivatagi túlélős bulira külön iparág épült ki. Indeed, the desert túlélős bulira separate industry has been built up.

A Burning Manre ugyanis az utolsó sörig és rágcsálnivalóig a résztvevőknek mindent maguknak kell megvásárolniuk előre, ezért a közértek mellett vízfeltöltő állomások, autómosók, kempingboltok, partyruha és -kellék üzletek, s még ki tudja, mi minden segíti a sivatagba készülőket. The Burning Manral since the last sörig and rágcsálnivalóig the participants themselves have to buy everything in advance, so by filling the grocery stations, car washes, kempingboltok, partyruha and accessory stores, and who knows what might help in the desert készülőket. A Burning Man “közgazdasági elveit” körülíró gift economy -t ( ajándékgazdaság ) a résztvevők olyannyira komolyan veszik, hogy az amúgy a világ táncterein emelt áron árult kábítószereket is ingyen megosztják egymással. The Burning Man “economic principles” gift economy is paraphrased (ajándékgazdaság) the participants are so seriously that the already raised prices in the world táncterein sold drugs to free exchange.

Psy night closed by police

29 09 2009

Norwich UK

words evening news

A Norwich licensee has accused police of over-reacting for shutting down her bar early after a customer was allegedly found in possession of a large quantity of drugs.

Officers were called to The Regal on Dereham Road, which was hosting a dance music event, at about 2.30am on Sunday after a man was searched and ejected by security staff.

Licensee Sarah Ladi said police had then ordered the event to close early, despite its 5am licence, because of fears that other people in venue might also have drugs.

The Regal is understood to have closed at about 3.30am. Mrs Ladi said she felt it was unfair that the venue had been penalised for acting responsibility by ejecting the man and calling the police. She said she had made a formal complaint to the force.

“I think the police over-reacted. I believe their job was to come and arrest that person and that should have been it,” she said.

“I was quite willing for officers to go in and carry out some random searches.”

The Regal was hosting a first birthday party for a psy trance club night event called Psychology, organised by outside promoters, which was to feature DJs specially flown in from Ibiza.

“It was a really good night. People had come from Cambridge and London. Everybody was behaving themselves but one person has spoiled their fun,” said Mrs Ladi, who estimated the early shut-down had cost about £1,000 in lost takings.

“We’re a normal community pub. These events are once a fortnight,” she said.

“It’s the first time we’ve had a 5am licence. We’re doing these tings to keep ourselves afloat.

“We’re not shut down – we got closed early for the night. We are not a venue that drug users can come to. I know the police have to do their job but we’re a business trying to keep people in work. I think it’s bang out of order.”

Mrs Ladi said about 250 people were in the venue, having paid £5 in advance or £7 on the door. She estimated about 80 per cent had been searched for drugs, but said security staff were not permitted to search “personal areas”.

A police spokesman was unable to confirm whether any arrest had been made, but said: “Officers from Norfolk Constabulary carried out a visit at the premises in the early hours of Sunday morning following information received from the public and an investigation is on-going.”

“An event at the premises was closed down early; however, the premises were not closed down and remain open.”

Goa trance DJ Schat speaks

22 09 2009

Slovak goa and psy trance dj Schat talked exclusivly to about his work and inspirations click here to view the interview in English